Take care of the basics


In my health pledge, I am going to go back to basics that I used to do and have forgotten, and do it in manageable, realistic steps:


Goal:  Drink 8 bottles of 26 ounces of spring water a day

Steps:  Start with one bottle a day per week until I've met my goal again.


Goal:  Get, or at least try, to sleep every night.

Steps:  Move towards turning off all electronics at 11 pm.

Step start:  start by turning off electronics by midnight 3 nights a week and then improve weekly until I've met my goal.


Goal:  Eat five small meals a day, including breakfast

Steps:  Start eating at least once a day for a week. Then add in a number of times of eating per day and meal planning by one reachable goal each week until I've met the final goal.


Goal:  Do my yoga and home PT plan twice a day daily.

Steps:  Start with once a day three times a week and build from there weekly.


In order to accomplish these goals I will print this out and make a health pledge journal so I can keep track of my accomplishments daily and weekly.

Gavriella Zahtz (aka Gail)

Pledge Type: 
